Cooked Oatmeal with Banana, Dried Figs and Brazil Nuts


Working from home has its perks, the best of them most definitely being that it gives me the chance to come up with and prepare all sorts of different delicious breakfast combinations. You all know I make my own granola but I just didn’t feel like having it the other morning. But I did feel like using oats in my breakfast dish. Since I came up with this idea in the morning, it was obviously too late to make the overnight oats, so I went with the alternative – cooking them. The spices and banana really add the sweetness to the dish so you don’t need to add any sweetener to the oatmeal. The honey on top is just a bonus. Let’s say it’s a breakfast alternative to the cherry on top.


40 g oats

140 ml liquid (I used 70 ml water and 70 ml whole milk)

1/4 tsp vanilla powder

1/4 tsp cinnamon

1 large banana

1 dried fig

2 brazil nuts

1 tsp honey


1. In a small pot, bring the liquid with added spices to a boil. Add the oats and, once it gets to a boil again, cook for 8 minutes.

2. Mash half of the banana and cut the other half into thin slices. Chop the dried fig and brazil nuts.

3. Once the oats are cooked, stir in the mashed banana. Place in a bowl and cover with the sliced banana, choped figs and nuts and a teaspoon of honey.

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